Monday, May 2, 2011

DooDah Parade

This past weekend, my mom and I took the boys to the doodah parade in Pasadena.  This is a very strange and non-traditional annual parade.  Anyone can be a part of it and there are some CRAZY characters in it.  The spectators even dress up for it.  My mom was wearing her pink cowgirl hat with a pretty princess tiara on it along with her martini shaped sunglasses.  One of the traditions of this parade is to throw tortillas and marshmallows.

Nick and Jordan really got in to the tortilla throwing.  They would run out in to the street, grab up some tortillas and then sit down and throw them again.  They were having a blast.

At one point, my moms sunglasses caught the eye of the (very handsome) Chief of Police.  He was talking to her and telling her she should get up and walk in the parade for a few blocks (the parade is only 2 block long).  All of a sudden, Nick lobs a tortilla at the chiefs head.  Oh holy crap!!!!  We are all going to jail now. 

My mom said to him, "I'm so sorry.  I don't really know him".  The officer laughed and said, "That's ok, neither do I."  I think he was flirting with her and she should have said she would make up for her grandson throwing tortillas at him by taking him to dinner. 

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