Tuesday, May 31, 2011

She'll make a good mom

I took Katie and Nick for a walk last night.  Katie pushed her baby in the stroller all the way to the babysitters house on the next street over.  We stopped and played at Jenn's for a little while and then headed home.  Half way home Katie stopped pushing her stroller, went around to the front of it and was tending to her baby.  She pulled her out and started rocking her and patting her back.  I asked her what was wrong and she said that baby was crying and baby was sad.  So she had to walk carrying her a little ways.  Then eventually baby must have gotten better so she went back in to the stroller for the rest of the walk home.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Totally out of the running

Saturday morning Nick woke up and somehow found his way to my bedroom.  He woke me up by saying, in a panicked voice, "I can't open my eyes!!"  His eyes were completely crusted shut.  He woke up the same way the next morning also. 

Then in the afternoon Sunday Nick took a nap on the couch and woke up screaming about his cheek hurting.  He put an ice pack on his cheek and cried/screamed for an hour.  We decided it might be something worth checking out, even though I have a general rule that I don't go to urgent care on the weekends.  When the kids are doing something dangerous, I don't go on weekdays or evenings either.   

Eddie rushed him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a severe ear infection and an eye infection.  Poor thing.

I stayed home with Nick yesterday, which turned out perfect because my babysitter called in sick also and then at 9:30 I got a call from Jordan's school that he was throwing up. 

TODAY...Nick looks much better and feels better, so off to school with him.  Jordan threw up last night so I left him at home for the day.  But Katie woke up with the skin around her eyes looking rather pinkish.  She didn't have a crusty eye though.  I didn't know if she had hit her eye yesterday and it was a bruise or what.  So I took her to the babysitters and asked her opinion and let her make the decision to take Katie or not.  She, lovingly, let her stay. 

Now I just got a text from the babysitter that says that Katie's eye seems to be getting worse.  I should have just stayed home with her.  I am such a bad mom.

I'm totally out of the running now for mother of the year. Oh well...maybe next year, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ghosts and strangers

While staying at my sisters house Jordan asked if he could take Nick to the park in the complex. It's not far from the apartment but this would still be a big responsibility for both of them.

I decided it would be a good opportunity to start to talk to Nick about strangers. I asked Nick if he knew what a stranger is. He said no, of couse, because mommy hasn't mentioned strangers to him before. Do I deserve mother of the year yet?

I explained to him that strangers are anyone he meets that he doesn't know and he should never talk to a stranger. He smartly responded with, "We shouldn't talk to ghosts either."

I'm not quite sure my message got across the way I wanted it to. So Jordan thought he would give it a try. Jordan said, "Nick, just think of all strangers as ghosts."  Then Nick did a little wiggle while saying "ooooooooh.  Oooooooooooooh"

I still don't think he understands anything about strangers, but if he ever meets a ghost he should be perfectly safe.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Nick

4 years ago today I was getting out of bed at 8 am (that would be sleeping in today) when my water broke.  The baby wasn't due for another 5 and a half weeks, but when your water breaks...you get a baby.

I remember the drive to the hospital when my husband kept saying things that started with the phrase, "If this baby comes today..."  I finally said to him, "Eddie, my water broke.  This baby IS coming TODAY!!!"

15 hours later Nicholas Edward entered our world with no complications. He was born 8 minutes before our first anniversary.

While I was in the hospital my other son, Jordan, was visiting his father for the weekend. His grandma gave him the news that his baby brother had been born. They happened to be celebrating Cinco De Mayo so Jordan asked his grandma if his new brother was a Mexican.

Sounds logical to an 8 year old.

Happy 4th Birthday Nicholas!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

DooDah Parade

This past weekend, my mom and I took the boys to the doodah parade in Pasadena.  This is a very strange and non-traditional annual parade.  Anyone can be a part of it and there are some CRAZY characters in it.  The spectators even dress up for it.  My mom was wearing her pink cowgirl hat with a pretty princess tiara on it along with her martini shaped sunglasses.  One of the traditions of this parade is to throw tortillas and marshmallows.

Nick and Jordan really got in to the tortilla throwing.  They would run out in to the street, grab up some tortillas and then sit down and throw them again.  They were having a blast.

At one point, my moms sunglasses caught the eye of the (very handsome) Chief of Police.  He was talking to her and telling her she should get up and walk in the parade for a few blocks (the parade is only 2 block long).  All of a sudden, Nick lobs a tortilla at the chiefs head.  Oh holy crap!!!!  We are all going to jail now. 

My mom said to him, "I'm so sorry.  I don't really know him".  The officer laughed and said, "That's ok, neither do I."  I think he was flirting with her and she should have said she would make up for her grandson throwing tortillas at him by taking him to dinner.