Saturday morning Nick woke up and somehow found his way to my bedroom. He woke me up by saying, in a panicked voice, "I can't open my eyes!!" His eyes were completely crusted shut. He woke up the same way the next morning also.
Then in the afternoon Sunday Nick took a nap on the couch and woke up screaming about his cheek hurting. He put an ice pack on his cheek and cried/screamed for an hour. We decided it might be something worth checking out, even though I have a general rule that I don't go to urgent care on the weekends. When the kids are doing something dangerous, I don't go on weekdays or evenings either.
Eddie rushed him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with a severe ear infection and an eye infection. Poor thing.
I stayed home with Nick yesterday, which turned out perfect because my babysitter called in sick also and then at 9:30 I got a call from Jordan's school that he was throwing up.
TODAY...Nick looks much better and feels better, so off to school with him. Jordan threw up last night so I left him at home for the day. But Katie woke up with the skin around her eyes looking rather pinkish. She didn't have a crusty eye though. I didn't know if she had hit her eye yesterday and it was a bruise or what. So I took her to the babysitters and asked her opinion and let her make the decision to take Katie or not. She, lovingly, let her stay.
Now I just got a text from the babysitter that says that Katie's eye seems to be getting worse. I should have just stayed home with her. I am such a bad mom.
I'm totally out of the running now for mother of the year. Oh well...maybe next year, but I wouldn't hold your breath.