Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You take Katie!!

What is it with this girl?  Aren't girls supposed to be easier at this age than boys?  What is wrong with my daughter?  She can be such a MONSTER sometimes!!!

Every time we are in the car with Katie lately, she is screaming at the top of her lungs.  This what we have to resort to in order to get anywhere with out a problem.  She can not start out a car ride with any food, drink, shoes, toys, dolls or blankets.  If we let her start with any of these items, she throws them on the floor and then screams until she gets them back, just to throw them all over again.

We have tried giving her a portable DVD player, but she just pushes the buttons on it until the movie stops playing and then she starts screaming, again.

It has gotten to the point where I don't want to be in the car with her and dad can't handle drives at all with her.  He might have an aneurism next time she screams.

We recently went camping and had to drive 5 hours each way.  The boys went with my sister in her car so Katie wouldn't fight with any of them and I could focus on keeping her happy.  She still managed to scream 2 hours straight each way.

I have also tried completely ignoring her when she starts to get this way, but she just screams louder and louder.  Last night she started a new game.  She takes her arms out of the car seat straps, which then makes her uncomfortable and unsafe, so I have to pull the car over and strap her back in.

I am tempted to never leave the house with her again until she is out of the "terrible-two" phase, but she has only been 2 for 6 weeks and the "terrible-twos" usually last until they turn 4.  Or at least it did with the boys who really didn't have a bad "terrible-two" phase.

Anyone want a completely adorable little girl for 98 weeks?  She does have some sweet times, like when I come home from work and she runs up to me screaming "MOMMY" and gives me a hug, but her sweetest time is when she is asleep.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!! I feel your pain!!!!! I have a very DRAMATIC child myself. those last words you wrote "her sweetest time is when she is asleep"...i've have that same thought on a regular basis.
