I wish I could remember more of these from when Jordan was little, but that was a VERY long time ago.
As kids are learning to speak, they don't always say things correctly. The way they do say certain words or phrases are usually unique to each child and only the parents know what they are actually saying. I wanted to make sure I document some of my own children's language.
Nick: (Nickinese)
Watch me: "Watch at me"
I love you: "Wall-oo"
Last night or Yesterday: "Last day"
Katie: "Kay-tay" (must be said in a Forest Gump voice)
Katie: (Katese)
I love you: "Uff-oo"
Blankie: "Gankie"
Katie: "Titi"
Grandpa: "Gampy"
Jordan spoke very early and very clearly. I don't remember any of this kind of language for him and I am really bummed about that. I do remember him trying to sing the Bob the Builder song and it came out "Boss-a-boss-aa". He would get so mad when we didn't know what he was singing. Thanks to a trip to Chuck E Cheese we were finally able to solve that puzzle.
Jordan was always one to get songs wrong and those are what I remember the most. Another fine example would be, "Subway...Eat Fresh". Jordan's version was, "Someone...Eat Fish".
Such cuteness!
I still to this day sing "Someone....eat fish" and tell that story. As I sit here typing this with Jordan he is laughing about the Bob the Builder song. Thank goodness we did go to see Chuck E that day. You know, I cant remember anything else that he said funny though either. Jordan just reminded me that he did say beach somewhat like b**ch and ocean came out like o sh**.