Thursday, April 28, 2011

Big Head Nick & the Monsters

Nick was born 5 and half weeks early. He was tiny when we first came home with him. Premie clothes were too big on him. It was adorable. Then he started to grow...and grow...and grow.

His head was growing the fastest. It was getting huge!!! Not only huge, but funky shaped too. It was flattening out in the back and becoming lop sided. His head was more wide than long. Kind of like that football head shaped character on TV. Nick ended up in a helmet for several months. We started this process a little later than we should have, but that was because his doctor kept saying his head would round out once he started rolling over. Yah right!!!

Now a days, his head is not so flat, but not round either. My husband and I have arguments over Nick's hair cuts because I want his hair longer to help hide his weird shaped head and Eddie's not satisfied unless it is a buzz cut.

We were never embarrassed about the helmet and we aren't embarrassed about his head now. We met a lot of people out and about who would come up to us and tell us about their kid who was in a helmet too. It was nice. Here is our problem though. Nick is a giant. He is about 6 inches taller than all the other 3 year olds at daycare. When we went to the dentist she asked what school he goes to. I told her he didn't go to school and she gave me a weird look. I had to explain that he was only 3. She was surprised because the last kid she had in her chair was the same size and was 5 years old. We get this alot.

Nick's cousin, who is only 3 weeks younger, just started wearing size 3t. Nick is wearing a 5-6. He has to wear a lot of button up shirts because his head is so big, we can't get it through the head hole of many shirts. When his head gets stuck taking a shirt off, he looks at me, shaking his head and says, "Giant head!"

We think it is cute and we try to make him see it as a special part of him. Hopefully the kids at school won't make too much fun of his giant head and that when they do, he can laugh along with them because we have been laughing at home about his head since he was helmet boy.

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