I am not usually one to drive much over the speed limit. I may do 5 mph over the limit, but not very often do I go any faster than that. It is illegal ya know. I also stay in one lane most of the time, one over from the far right. No need to change lanes unless someone is going way under the speed limit. I know, I drive like an 85 year old lady on her way to church. I don't care. But today...I was SPEEDING!!!! I couldn't get to my moms house fast enough. At one point I looked down and was doing 18 mph over the speed limit. I didn't give a crap. (oh, for shame!!)
It takes about an hour to get to my moms house from mine. I was barely backed out of the drive way when Nick asked how close we were to grandmas. He had been asking to go to her house for 3 days at this point. I know he was anxious.
I try to make sure I am plenty prepared for long car rides. I have blankies and sippy cups ready. I have music because it always seems to calm Katie when she is too upset to sit in the car any longer. I started off this trip thinking it would be a nice hour drive.
HA! First, Katie only wanted to lay in the grass when I was trying to get her loaded in to the car. Nick's car seat wasn't in the totally awesome mini-van. After getting Nick's car seat and Katie loaded in, with threats of staying in the house instead of going bye-bye, I realized I needed gas, and an iced coffee.
My ATM card wouldn't work at the pump. So I went inside to get my coffee and pay for some gas. The freakin card still wouldn't work. We tried 3 times. Debit and credit. No such luck. So I got out of line, went to the ATM 10 feet away and pulled out money, with the same stinking card. What ever!!! Should have known that was a sign to just turn around and go home. Maybe try again some other time.
Ok. Gas in and we are on the road. Nick asks again how long it is going to take and are we close yet. "No, Nick. We haven't left the gas station yet."
Once we got on the freeway, we came to a stop. Oh joy!!!! A half hour later we passed the 4 car accident, on the other side of the freeway. About the time we start moving at a normal speed, I think it is great that Nick starts sharing his hot wheels cars with Katie. Until she starts pelting them at me. After the 4th car and 3rd time telling them to not throw cars at mommy, I turned around and yelled, "YOU THROW ONE MORE CAR AT ME AND I AM GOING PULL OVER, SPANK YOU AND TAKE YOU HOME. NO GRANDMAS HOUSE!!!" Not one more car was thrown.
But Katie was not happy. So she started in with asking for her blankie blankie blankie, then doggie doggie doggie, then juice juice juice. This, of course, all came out as "Gankie gankie gankie", "goggie goggie goggie", and "choos choos choos" not to be confused with "shoo shoo shoo" which she had taken off and thrown at me also.
My lovely and patient son Jordan kept handing Katie what ever she asked for. Then she would throw it again, ask for it again, watch Jordan strugle to reach for it, hand it to her, throw it again, ask for it again, watch Jordan...you get the picture.
After 15 minutes of this, I was ready to pull my hair out. So Nick decides he is going to start asking again if we are close and start complaining of his back hurting. I don't know what his strategy is in complaining about his back, it never gets us anywhere any faster. It never makes me pull the car over and let him out, but he still complains about his back hurting almost evertime we get in the car for more than 5 minutes.
So as I get about 20 minutes from my moms house, I look down at the speedometer and realize I am doing 18 mph over the speed limit, check my mirrors for cops, turn the radio up to 11 and keep on going at that speed while contemplating going faster just to get out of this car and away from these monsters.
I wonder how much it would cost to put them in a taxi to get them home on Sunday...